The game takes place during the Second Europan War.

**Year**: November 23, 2011, English Patch Version Jan 6th, 2014 Copy the patched ISO back onto your PSP and launch it.**Title**: Valkyria Chronicles 3 Extra Edition This will convert the ISO into a patched ISO, and will back up the previous ISO with a new.

It may look like it’s not doing anything, but it is. Do NOT close any windows that pop up during the patching progress. Drag and drop your ISO into the patch.cmd file inside the zip folder. Then just copy that ISO file to your computer then unmount the drive pressing the note key again.ģ. The plugin will automatically make the ISO that you can mount as a virtual drive in a Windows OS. Once the above step is done, simply run the game and then press the note key at the game’s title screen, while a USB cord is attached to your PC and the PSP. Here is where you can get Neuron’s umd_dump_simple.prx plugin: Must have umd_dump_simple.prx copied into your plugin folder ( ms0:/SEPLUGINS/) and add this line to GAME.TXT: ms0:/seplugins/umd_dump_simple.prx 1 Different CFWs may have different methods, but one method will be to change the USB Device from “Memory Stick” to “UMD Disc” on the CFW menu, which will allow your computer to access the ISO file.

Use the CFW to convert the UMD into an ISO file onto your computer. Get an ISO of the game, whether through ripping it yourself from the UMD, or converting your PSN copy. This is a simple guide that will help you install the CFW. This will be basically opening up a file on the memory stick as a regular PSP firmware update and installing that. You will need to install custom firmware (CFW) onto your PSP. The patch requires at least 4GB of open space on your computer, Java, and the windows. Please note that right now, this patch will only support Valkyria Chronicles 3: Extra Edition because of memory limitations in the original version.

Here are the general instructions on how to use the patch.