To be fully playable, XP1728 requires a device at least capable of running GLBenchmark 2.1 Egypt Standard at 15 fps. And if you think this is too easy, or you don't know how to improve your scores, you can still get new avatars and improvements from the vault ! With more than 120 waves, XP1728 will certainly bring you some challenge. However, if you are a casual gamer, don't worry ! An interactive tutorial is here to introduce the basic rules and show you all kind of tricks to win and improve your score. A leaderboard is here to make you shine, but don't forget to log in. If you think you have some skills, go straight to the campaign mode and try to get the highest possible score. That game was originally designed for hardcore gamers and puzzle game specialists seeking for challenge. In addition, special cubes (orange, green, and blue) allow you to make combos, but be careful.you may tend to get overexcited and forget some black cubes :) Every time you destroy a black cube, the grid loses one row, leaving you less room to complete the level. Your goal is to survive by destroying every cube, except black ones.

XP1728 is directly inspired by that game and actually draws all its gameplay mechanics from it. You were playing a character trapped on a grid and you had to destroy waves of moving cubes to avoid being crushed to death. Some of you may remember a puzzle game named Intelligent Qube (Kurushi Final in Europe) on the first PlayStation.